Leave the keys behind and update yourself

Publication date: 06-02-2024

All town halls have the same problem, a key driver for all municipal facilities, from the keys to sports courts, pavilions, swimming pools, cultural centers, libraries, waste areas, among others. This makes the management of all these spaces more complicated, less agile and requires that there always be a person physically to hand over the keys. The city council must have one or several people responsible for the various keys, which can be easily lost or duplicated, and not everyone is willing to have this degree of responsibility, since if something happens in the facility, there is also no record of who and when a situation of insecurity, discomfort and lack of control is created, since you don't have full control of all the facilities in the municipality, having an intelligent system to have the reservation management and access control of the municipal facilities will get many headaches off your back and you will make a 360th change, as you will create a safer and more controlled environment in the municipality to begin with, you can already forget about the keys, you won't have to worry about the number of keys it has, where to save them, if copies have been made or if they have been lost and who is responsible Everyone can have their card, keychain, QR code or numeric that will allow it to be identified and all their data to be recorded: who it is, day and time you have accessed, if you have paid to use the facilities, among others ReservaPlay is your solution, as we help you make all management easier and more efficient, both by the city council staff and by the citizens of the municipality It allows you to manage the reservation of spaces, make payment online and access the facilities safely and knowing at all times who is using them.The council will only have benefits, since management will be automated and no time will be wasted with keys up and down Everything will also be manageable within the same system, which will control reservations and access control.


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